Saturday, September 15, 2012

Awkward Mom and Reading Mom

Super Mom powers unite! It is time for another team-up!

Dearest Readers, I want to introduce a new ally for Awkward Mom; Reading Mom! I have been lurking on Reading Mom's blog for awhile. Getting to know her, (Stalking her, if you want to be technical about it.), and I think she is fabulous! Her organization skills make me jealous, but I still like her. She doesn't pretend to be a Perfect Mom, and she writes honest posts about the realities of being a mom of three kids. She also deals with the villain Three, which is enough of a reason to give her some reading love.

Speaking of reading, the woman is truly a Super Reader! And not in the PBS sense, but I bet she would be a great ally for them too. She does near weekly book reviews! Holy cats; I am still trying to get through my book club book for this month; and she reads and writes reviews and writes her blog daily/weekly. Oh, and did I mention that her super kids also love to read? Well, they do! A family of Reading Superheros! I love it and I am sure you will too. Go give her a peek. She will be listed on my blog list under "Living Better One Day at a Time." (Yet another brave superhero Mom blogging under her own name....I am just way too dependant on my secret identity for that. Or I never outgrew dress-up, which is probably more likely....)

So, let's give her an awkward welcome, Readers! Wait, maybe don't, that doesn't sound good at all......Anyway, Reading Mom, keep up the great writing (and reading)!

Super Preschooler has liked to read for awhile too. Here he is around age 2; he may have some directional issues to work out, but the intent was good.

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